Avoid URL Resolution in SCSS Files in Angular: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Benedetta - hkhazo.biz.id

Avoid URL Resolution in SCSS Files in Angular: A Comprehensive Guide

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As an Angular developer, you’re no stranger to the world of SCSS files. They’re an essential part of building and styling your Angular application. However, did you know that using URL resolution in SCSS files can lead to unexpected behavior and errors? In this article, we’ll dive into the world of URL resolution, its implications, and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to avoid it in SCSS files in Angular.

What is URL Resolution?

URL resolution is the process of resolving a URL to a physical location on the server. In the context of SCSS files, URL resolution is used to load images, fonts, and other assets. When you use a URL in your SCSS file, the browser or the server needs to resolve it to a physical location to fetch the asset.

The Problem with URL Resolution in SCSS Files

The problem with URL resolution in SCSS files is that it can lead to unexpected behavior and errors. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Different Environments: In a development environment, your asset URLs might be different from those in a production environment. This can lead to errors when you move your application from development to production.

  • Relative URLs: Using relative URLs in SCSS files can lead to issues when the asset is not found in the expected location. This can happen when the URL is resolved differently by the browser or server.

  • Assets not Found: When the URL resolution fails, the asset is not found, leading to errors and broken images or fonts.

Avoiding URL Resolution in SCSS Files

So, how do you avoid URL resolution in SCSS files in Angular? Here are some best practices and solutions to help you do just that:

1. Use Assets as Variables

Instead of hardcoding URLs in your SCSS files, use assets as variables. This way, you can define the asset URLs in a separate file and import them into your SCSS file.

// assets.ts
export const logoUrl = 'assets/logo.png';
// styles.scss
@import 'assets';

.logo {
  background-image: url($logoUrl);

2. Use the `asset` Function

In Angular, you can use the `asset` function to generate a URL for an asset. This function takes the asset path as an argument and returns a URL that can be used in your SCSS file.

// styles.scss
.logo {
  background-image: url(asset('assets/logo.png'));

3. Use a CDN or External URLs

If you’re using a CDN or external URLs for your assets, you can use those URLs directly in your SCSS file. This way, you don’t need to worry about URL resolution in your SCSS file.

// styles.scss
.logo {
  background-image: url('https://example.com/logo.png');

4. Use a build Tool like Webpack

Webpack is a popular build tool that can help you manage your assets and avoid URL resolution issues. You can use Webpack’s URL loader to load assets and generate URLs that can be used in your SCSS file.

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.(png|jpg|gif)$/,
        use: [
            loader: 'url-loader',
            options: {
              limit: 10000,
              name: 'assets/[name].[ext]',

5. Use a Library like `ngx-assets`

`ngx-assets` is a library that provides a simple way to manage assets in Angular applications. It allows you to define assets as variables and use them in your SCSS files.

// assets.ts
import { Asset } from 'ngx-assets';

export const logoUrl = new Asset('assets/logo.png');
// styles.scss
@import 'assets';

.logo {
  background-image: url($logoUrl);

Best Practices for Avoiding URL Resolution

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when avoiding URL resolution in SCSS files in Angular:

  1. Use a Consistent Asset Structure: Use a consistent structure for your assets, such as a separate folder for images, fonts, and other assets.

  2. Define Assets as Variables: Define assets as variables in a separate file and import them into your SCSS file.

  3. Use the `asset` Function: Use the `asset` function to generate URLs for your assets.

  4. Avoid Hardcoding URLs: Avoid hardcoding URLs in your SCSS files, as they can lead to errors and broken assets.

  5. Use a Build Tool or Library: Use a build tool like Webpack or a library like `ngx-assets` to manage your assets and avoid URL resolution issues.


Avoiding URL resolution in SCSS files in Angular is crucial to avoid unexpected behavior and errors. By following the best practices and solutions outlined in this article, you can ensure that your assets are loaded correctly and efficiently. Remember to define assets as variables, use the `asset` function, and avoid hardcoding URLs in your SCSS files. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to building a robust and scalable Angular application.

Best Practice Description
Use a Consistent Asset Structure Use a consistent structure for your assets, such as a separate folder for images, fonts, and other assets.
Define Assets as Variables Define assets as variables in a separate file and import them into your SCSS file.
Use the `asset` Function Use the `asset` function to generate URLs for your assets.
Avoid Hardcoding URLs Avoid hardcoding URLs in your SCSS files, as they can lead to errors and broken assets.
Use a Build Tool or Library Use a build tool like Webpack or a library like `ngx-assets` to manage your assets and avoid URL resolution issues.

By following these best practices and solutions, you can avoid URL resolution in SCSS files in Angular and build a robust and scalable application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to tackle those pesky SCSS url resolution issues in Angular!

What’s the deal with url resolution in SCSS files in Angular?

By default, Angular’s build process resolves URLs in SCSS files to their absolute paths, which can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior or even errors. This is because the build process tries to resolve the URLs based on the file system, rather than the application’s root URL.

Why would I want to avoid url resolution in SCSS files?

You might want to avoid url resolution if you’re using relative URLs in your SCSS files that are specific to your application’s context. By avoiding url resolution, you can ensure that your URLs are resolved correctly at runtime, rather than during the build process.

How do I avoid url resolution in SCSS files in Angular?

You can avoid url resolution by adding a tilde (~) at the beginning of the URL. This tells the build process to treat the URL as a relative URL, rather than an absolute one.

What’s an example of how to use the tilde (~) to avoid url resolution?

For instance, if you have a URL like `url(‘./image.jpg’)`, you would change it to `url(‘~./image.jpg’)` to avoid url resolution. This tells the build process to treat the URL as a relative URL, rather than an absolute one.

Are there any scenarios where I wouldn’t want to avoid url resolution?

Yes, if you’re using absolute URLs in your SCSS files that are not specific to your application’s context, you might want to allow url resolution to happen. This way, the build process can resolve the URLs correctly and provide the correct absolute paths.