Looking for a Library Supporting Hardware PWM on RPi3 (Not Using Sysfs)? You’re in Luck!
Image by Benedetta - hkhazo.biz.id

Looking for a Library Supporting Hardware PWM on RPi3 (Not Using Sysfs)? You’re in Luck!

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Are you tired of using software PWM on your Raspberry Pi 3 (RPi3) projects, only to find that they’re not as accurate or reliable as you need them to be? Do you want to unlock the full potential of your RPi3’s hardware PWM capabilities? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the best libraries that support hardware PWM on RPi3 without using sysfs, and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to get started with them.

What is Hardware PWM, and Why Do I Need It?

Before we dive into the libraries, let’s quickly cover the basics. PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) is a technique used to control the power supplied to devices such as LEDs, motors, and servos. There are two types of PWM: software PWM and hardware PWM. Software PWM uses the CPU to generate the PWM signal, while hardware PWM uses a dedicated hardware module to generate the signal.

Hardware PWM offers several advantages over software PWM, including:

  • Faster and more accurate signal generation
  • Less CPU usage, allowing for more complex projects
  • Better noise reduction and EMI immunity

In this article, we’ll focus on libraries that support hardware PWM on RPi3 without using sysfs. Sysfs is a Linux kernel interface that allows users to access and control hardware components, but it’s not the most efficient way to access the RPi3’s PWM capabilities.

Top Libraries for Hardware PWM on RPi3 (Not Using Sysfs)

After researching and testing various libraries, we’ve narrowed down the list to the top three libraries that support hardware PWM on RPi3 without using sysfs. Drumroll, please…

1. RPi.GPIO (Python Library)

Raspberry Pi’s official Python library, RPi.GPIO, provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for controlling the RPi3’s GPIO pins, including the PWM channels. While it’s not specifically designed for hardware PWM, it does provide access to the PWM hardware module.

To get started with RPi.GPIO, install the library using pip:

pip install RPi.GPIO

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use RPi.GPIO for hardware PWM:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT)
pwm = GPIO.PWM(18, 50)  # 50Hz frequency
pwm.start(50)  # 50% duty cycle

# Change the duty cycle

# Stop the PWM signal

2. WiringPi (C Library)

WiringPi is a popular C library that provides access to the RPi3’s GPIO pins, including the PWM channels. It’s a powerful and flexible library that’s widely used in RPi projects.

To get started with WiringPi, install the library using the following command:

sudo apt-get install wiringpi

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use WiringPi for hardware PWM:


int main() {
  pinMode(18, PWM_OUTPUT);
  pwmWrite(18, 128);  // 50% duty cycle

  // Change the duty cycle
  pwmWrite(18, 192);

  return 0;

3. pigpio (C Library)

Pigpio is a C library that provides a more comprehensive interface to the RPi3’s GPIO pins, including the PWM channels. It’s a powerful library that’s designed for high-performance applications.

To get started with pigpio, install the library using the following command:

sudo apt-get install pigpio

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use pigpio for hardware PWM:


int main() {
  gpioPWMRange(18, 1000);  // Set the PWM range to 1000
  gpioPWMFrequency(18, 50);  // Set the PWM frequency to 50Hz
  gpioPWMServo(18, 500);  // Set the PWM signal to 50% duty cycle

  // Change the duty cycle
  gpioPWMServo(18, 750);

  return 0;

Comparison of Libraries

So, which library should you choose? Here’s a comparison table to help you decide:

Language Complexity Performance
RPi.GPIO Python Easy Good
WiringPi C Moderate Very Good
Pigpio C Advanced Excellent

As you can see, each library has its strengths and weaknesses. RPi.GPIO is a great choice for Python projects, while WiringPi and pigpio are better suited for C projects that require high-performance PWM capabilities.


In conclusion, looking for a library supporting hardware PWM on RPi3 without using sysfs is a great decision. By choosing the right library for your project, you can unlock the full potential of your RPi3’s hardware PWM capabilities and create more accurate and reliable projects. Whether you’re using Python or C, there’s a library on this list that’s perfect for you.

Remember to check the documentation and examples for each library to get started with hardware PWM on your RPi3 projects. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the insight you need about finding a library that supports hardware PWM on RPi3 without using sysfs. Here are the answers to your most pressing questions!

What is the primary advantage of using a library that supports hardware PWM on RPi3?

The primary advantage of using a library that supports hardware PWM on RPi3 is that it allows for more precise and efficient control of PWM signals, which is essential for applications that require high-frequency PWM signals, such as robotics, motor control, and LED dimming.

Which libraries are known to support hardware PWM on RPi3 without using sysfs?

Some popular libraries that support hardware PWM on RPi3 without using sysfs are RPi.GPIO, pigpio, and wiringPi. These libraries provide a more efficient and low-level access to the RPi’s hardware, allowing for better performance and more precise control of PWM signals.

What are the differences between RPi.GPIO, pigpio, and wiringPi in terms of hardware PWM support?

RPi.GPIO provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for GPIO and PWM control, but it doesn’t support hardware PWM on all pins. pigpio, on the other hand, provides a more advanced and flexible interface for GPIO and PWM control, with support for hardware PWM on most pins. wiringPi provides a more lightweight and low-level interface for GPIO and PWM control, with support for hardware PWM on select pins.

Can I use these libraries with other programming languages besides Python?

Yes, while RPi.GPIO and pigpio have Python bindings, they can also be used with other programming languages such as C, C++, and Java, among others. wiringPi also has bindings for languages like Java, Ruby, and PHP. This allows developers to choose the language that best suits their needs and still access the hardware PWM capabilities of the RPi3.

Are there any specific configurations or setup required to use these libraries with hardware PWM on RPi3?

Yes, each library has its own specific configuration and setup requirements to use hardware PWM on RPi3. For example, RPi.GPIO requires the PWM mode to be enabled on the specific pin, while pigpio requires the use of its PWM API functions. wiringPi also requires specific setup and configuration to enable hardware PWM on select pins. Be sure to consult the documentation for each library to ensure proper setup and configuration.

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